
A package index is a source of metadata for available packages, mapping package names and versions to requisite dependencies and a location to retrieve the package. Package indices serve several purposes in elba’s package management system:

  • Package indices group together versions of packages to make depending on and installing packages easier, more convenient, and less prone to breakage (á la RubyGems,
  • Package indices can serve to curate sets of packages which are known to work together correctly (á la Stackage)
  • They provide a level of indirection for packages; consumers of packages don’t have to be tied to directly depending on a certain git repository or tarball, they can just rely on wherever the index says the package is located.

Packages within package indices are capable of depending on packages in other indices (so long as the index specifies all of the indices it depends on), and users of elba can specify multiple package indices to pull from. Additionally, packages in package indices can have arbitrary direct resolutions as their actual location. This makes elba’s package indices extremely powerful as a consequence.

Index Resolutions

An index is identified primarily by its index resolution, which corresponds to the place where the index is made available. For more information, see the previous chapter on Resolutions.

In the elba.toml file, when a package requirement is declared with a certain version, elba goes through the following steps to decide which package index to use:

  • If the resolution of an index is provided in the dependency specification, elba will use that index.

    "test/one" = { version = "0.1.0", index = "index+dir+/index" }
    # for this package, elba will use the index located on-disk at `/index`.
  • If no resolution is provided, elba will default to the first index listed in configuration.

    # .elba/config
    indices = [
    # elba.toml
    "test/two" = "0.1.0"
    # for this package, elba will use the index located on-disk at `/one`.

Note that if a declared dependency uses an index that isn’t specified in the configuration, the package will fail to build during dependency resolution with a “package not found” error.


A package index is (when extracted, for tarballs) a directory tree of metadata files. All package indices must have a configuration file at the root of this directory tree named index.toml, and specify the following keys:

secure = false


The secure key tells elba whether to treat the index like a secure package index. At the moment, this flag does nothing, but in the future, this flag may be used to enable compatibility with The Update Framework. For forwards compatibility, package index maintainers should set this key to false.

The dependencies key is a mapping from the “name” of an index to its index resolution. The name can be whatever you want, but that name will be how the index will be referred to within metadata files. Every other index which the packages of this index need to build properly must be specified in this field, or else package building will fail during dependency resolution.

Metadata structure

Package indices must follow a fairly strict folder and file structure in order for elba to interpret them correctly. The top-level folders should be groups, and underneath the folder for each group should be a metadata file corresponding to a package. The name of that file should be the second portion of the package’s name:

# an example index:
|-- group
|   |-- name # metadata file corresponding to the package `group/name`
|   +-- cool # metadata file corresponding to the package `group/cool`
|-- next
|   +-- zzz # metadata file corresponding to the package `next/zzz`
+-- index.toml

Each line of the metadata file for a package should be a complete JSON object corresponding to a specific version of a package, and should follow the following structure (pretty-printed for readability):

  "name": "no_conflict/root",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "dependencies": [
      "name": "no_conflict/foo",
      "req": "1.0.0"
      "name": "awesome/bar",
      "index": "best_index",
      "req": ">= 0.1.0"
  "yanked": false,
  "location": "dir+test"

The name and version fields should be self-explanatory. The dependencies section should be a list of objects with fields name, index, and req. name is self-explanatory, and req is just the version constraint of that particular dependency. The value in index should correspond to an index name specified within the index’s config; if the index is unspecified or if the index name can’t be found in configuration, elba will assume that the package is available from the current index.

The yanked field allows for “yanking” of a package, which disallows future consumers of a package from using that version (but allows current consumers of a yanked package version to continue using it). Finally, the location field indicates the direct resolution of the package in question.

Index Retrieval Semantics

To avoid constantly updating the package index, elba will only update its indices if it’s building a global project (i.e. elba install), or if a package cannot be found in the locally cached indices or changes versions in such a way that is incompatible with an existing lockfile. This means that if an index changes the resolution of a package, the package indices might not be updated immediately.