Getting Started

This section is for getting up-to-speed with elba as fast as possible, covering getting elba installed on your machine in the first place and making a new project.

By the end of this chapter, you should have a basic elba installation up-and-running, as well as a general overview of how to use elba for day-to-day Idris development.


The easiest and most convenient way of installing elba is to use the pre-built binaries for elba, which can be downloaded from GitHub Releases. To install this way, just download the corresponding archive for your platform, extract the executable somewhere in your PATH, add ~/.elba/bin to your PATH in order to execute elba-installed packages, and you’re done!


For Linux platforms, there are two varieties of binaries available: one suffixed with -gnu and the other suffixed with -musl. The -gnu binary is dynamically linked to the system libc, while the -musl binary is statically linked using musl.

For most users, the -gnu binary should work fine, but if it doesn’t, try using the -musl binary.

Installing with Cargo

Because elba is written in Rust, it is available as an installable crate from In order to install elba this way, you should have a copy of the Rust toolchain installed on your computer first. The process for this is explained on the Rust website. Note that during installation, when prompted for which version of Rust should be installed, you should choose the nightly version of Rust. elba depends on certain features which can only be enabled in the nightly build of Rust.

Once you have Rust installed, installing elba is pretty self-explanatory:

$ cargo +nightly install elba
$ elba # should work!

Remember to add ~/.elba/bin to your PATH to be able to run elba-installed packages.

Building elba

Building elba from source is much the same process as installing it using cargo; the only difference is that instead of using a stable, versioned-crate available from, elba’s source code is used directly. You’ll still need to have the nightly version of the Rust toolchain installed (see the above section for more details). After that’s done, download elba’s source code and install it:

$ git clone
$ cd elba
$ cargo +nightly install --release
$ elba # should work!

Remember to add ~/.elba/bin to your PATH to be able to run elba-installed packages.

Quick Start

This section intends to be a whirlwind tour of all the functionality available with elba. For more information on each step, refer to either the Usage or Reference chapters.

Creating a package

Creating a package is easy with elba: all you need is a package name. Note that names in elba are special in that they are always namespaced; every name in elba comes with a group part and a name part, separated with a slash. For more information, see the information on names in the manifest chapter.

$ elba new asd # won't work: no namespace
$ elba new grp/asd # ok!

This command will generate a new elba project with name grp/asd in the folder ./asd/, along with an associated git project. If you want to omit the git project, pass the option --vcs none.

By default, elba will create a project with a binary target, with a main file located at src/Main.idr. If you’d like to generate a package with a library target instead, pass the --lib flag, which will add a library target to the manifest and generate the file src/{group}/{name}.idr. This file structure of having a group followed by a name is just convention, and isn’t required.

Regardless of which target is chosen, an elba.toml manifest file will also be generated.

Initializing a pre-existing package

If you already have an Idris project and want to turn it into an elba project, use the elba init command instead; it follows the exact same syntax as elba new and is functionally identical, but uses the current directory instead of making a new one.

Adding dependencies

Now that a new package has been created, you can start to add packages as part of your dependencies. A package can originate from one of three places: a git repository, a file directory, or a package index. Ordinary dependencies are placed under the [dependencies] section, while dependencies that are only needed for tests and the like are placed under [dev_dependencies]. Examples are shown below:

"index/version" = "0.1.5" # uses the default index (i.e. the first specified one in configuration)
"index/explicit" = { version = "0.1.5", index = "index+dir+../index" } # uses the index specified
"directory/only" = { path = "../awesome" } # uses the package in the path specified
"git/master" = { git = "" } # uses the master branch
"git/explicit" = { git = "", branch = "beta" } # "branch" can be an arbitrary git ref: a tag, commit, etc.

For more information on the syntax regarding specifying and adding custom indices, see the chapters on Resolutions and Configuration. More information about dependency specification syntax is available at its relevant chapter.

Note that only packages with library targets can be depended on.

At this point, you can add whatever files you want and import anything from your dependencies.


The manifest also allows you to specify which targets you want to have built for your package. There are three types of targets:

  • A library target allows this package to be depended on by other packages. A package can only have one library, and the syntax follows the following:

    # the path which contains all of the lib files (*cannot* be a parent directory)
    # this is set to "src" by default
    path = "src/"
    # a list of files to export
    mods = [
        "Awesome.A", # the file src/Awesome/A.idr
        "Control.Zygohistomorphic.Prepromorphisms", # the file src/Control/Zygohistomorphic/Prepromorphisms.idr
  • A bin target specifies a binary to be built. Multiple binaries can correspond to one package.

    # the name of the binary to create
    name = "awes"
    # the path which contains all of the bin files (*cannot* be a parent directory)
    # this is set to "src" by default
    path = "src/"
    # the path to the Main module of the binary
    main = "Awesome.B"

    Note: the format of the binary target has some nuance to it, so for more information, see the docs on the manifest format.

  • A test target specifies a test binary to build. It uses the same syntax as a bin target, with the difference that we use [[targets.test]] to specify them and the test binary can depend on the dev-dependencies as well as the root package’s library. A test binary succeeds upon execution if it returns exit code 0.

Building a package

…can be accomplished with the command:

$ # assuming the current directory is an elba package
$ elba build

For all elba build-related commands, the IDRIS_OPTS environment variable will dictate additional arguments to pass to the Idris compiler (the flags passed by elba get higher priority). This can be helpful for packages which depend on base installed Idris packages (e.g. if you want to pass -p effects to the compiler).

When building a local package, the output binaries are located at target/bin, while the output library is placed at target/lib.

Interactive development with the REPL can also be accomplished with the command:

$ # assuming the current directory is an elba package
$ elba repl

Instead of placing the build outputs in a target/ folder, the elba repl command directly loads the files on-disk, then cleans up any build files after execution.

elba uses an elba.lock lockfile to ensure that these builds are reproducible.