
elba’s behavior can be configured through the use of TOML configuration files and environment variables. elba checks the current directory and all of its ancestors for a .elba/config file, unifying them in the following order (from highest to lowest priority):

# assuming current directory is /foo/bar/baz/quux
# Your platform-specific config file would go here
# - Linux: ~/.config/elba/config
# - macOS: /Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/elba/config
# - Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\elba\config\config

Any specified environment variables have the highest priority. This behavior heavily borrows from Cargo’s configuration format.

Additionally, whenever elba executes an Idris invocation, elba will pass all of the arguments in the environment variable IDRIS_OPTS to the compiler. In any case where the IDRIS_OPTS args conflict with elba’s own flags (i.e. if the user specifies the flag --ide-mode but elba specifies --check), elba will override the user-specified flag.

Config Format

A complete default elba configuration file is listed below. Any options which are not assigned to will carry the default value instead.

indices = [

verbosity = "normal"
color = "true"

i = "install"
b = "build"
t = "test"

cache = "$HOME/.elba"

name = "c"
default = true
portable = false
opts = []

Using environment variables

In order to specify an option as an environment variable, simply replace the “dots” of the option with underscores, and prefix with ELBA_. So the option term.verbosity becomes ELBA_TERM_VERBOSITY.


This key specifies all of the indices that should be made available to packages being built. Any dependent indices of these indices will also be retrieved. The first index specified in this list will be used as the default index for packages which don’t specify an index. This key should be a list of index urls; for more information on those, see the chapter on Indices.

By default, the first and only index available to elba is the official package index.


This section specifies the default author information that should be provided upon creating or initializing a new elba project. By default, this section has no value, so new projects are made without an author.

name = "John Smith"
email = ""


This section specifies options for terminal output, and has two fields:

  • verbosity: specifies how verbose elba should be. Can be one of verbose, normal, quiet, or none.
  • color: specifies if elba should try to print color output. Either true or false.

At the moment, neither of these options actually do anything.


This section is for providing aliases for commands. The key represents the alias and the value represents the the command that it should be aliased to. Note that aliases can alias to other aliases, which can cause infinite recursion of aliases. Be careful.

$ elba b # builds the local package with the default alias settings


This section only contains one key: cache, for the location where the global cache should be placed. This controls not only the location of elba’s temporary build directories but also the location of the global bin directory.


This section specifies information about codegen backends. By default, information about one default codegen is provided: the C backend. These settings are used whenever a codegen backend is unspecified or a codegen backend is specified but doesn’t have any information on it available in the configuration. A example full [[backend]] section is provided below:

# The name of the backend, passed to the --codegen or --portable-codegen
# compiler option
name = "awesome"
# Whether this should be treated as a new default codegen backend, instead of
# the c one provided by default. Note that if multiple backends have default set
# to true, the backend mentioned first will be used as the default
default = true
# Whether or not this backend is portable
portable = false
# The command to use to run executables generated by this codegen backend
# If omitted, the executable will just be run by itself
runner = "awesomec"
# The extension to use for executables generated by this codegen backend
# elba will pass the name of the binary/test target with this extension set to
# the -o flag of the Idris compiler
# If unset, no extension-setting will happen
extension = "awe"
# Options to be passed to the codegen backend
opts = []